
Wednesday Nov 30, 2022
Resolving Conflict at Work with Joyce Weiss
Wednesday Nov 30, 2022
Wednesday Nov 30, 2022
Meet Joyce Weiss, the Conflict Resolution & Communication Coach. Did you know that unresolved conflict at work costs US companies a whopping $359 billion in losses every year? HR and Business Professionals state they spend more than 2½ hours per week trying to resolve conflict.
Joyce shares insights and strategies to help employees and managers feel confident using their voice without losing their cool - to feel heard and respected.
Beverly and Joyce cover many timely issues in this episode including a discussion about what bullying really is and how to put a stop to it through skilled communication. Anyone with a desire to improve relationships can learn these skills.
Joyce says, "You get what you tolerate." Set healthy boundaries, step up to difficult conversations, create a safe workplace, and be rewarded with a healthy culture of people who are able to give their best at work every day.
For more on this topic, contact Joyce on any of the following platforms:
Thank you for listening. Subscribing to this podcast is appreciated. A 5 star review sets our feet to dancing!
For comments or suggestions, email Beverly Lewis at Beverly@BeverlySpeaks.com

Wednesday Nov 09, 2022
Don’t Judge Me
Wednesday Nov 09, 2022
Wednesday Nov 09, 2022
Conversations can become contentious in a hurry in the current climate; whether you are talking politics, values, or any number of topics. Everyone has the need to be seen and heard, but the skill of listening sometimes seems like a lost art.
It takes intentional effort to listen well, particularly when you don't agree with someone. The real problem is that when you become offended, you shift into judging the other person. And judgement builds a wall of separation and blocks effective communication.
"Change Your Questions, Change Your Life" is a book by Marilee Adams that I think should be required reading for anyone wanting to improve relationships at work. Her description of the 2 modes - learner mode and judger mode - correlate perfectly with what I describe as the high road vs. the low road. An especially helpful skill is becoming aware of which road you are on. The next step is knowing what to do if you find yourself on the low road. I mention Dr. Adams' Choice Map in this episode. You can download it here:
This episode is quick brush over a deep and important topic. Don't judge me - learn with me.
Contact Beverly@BeverlySpeaks.com for more information.
Access Beverly's free gift of the audio version of her book, "Win from Within: The Heart of Success and Significance" at http://beverlyspeaks.com/freebook/
See you next episode - the best is yet to come!

Wednesday Oct 26, 2022
The Power of Purpose and The Johnstone Difference
Wednesday Oct 26, 2022
Wednesday Oct 26, 2022
Tracy Johnstone communicates “The Johnstone Difference” with warmth, authenticity, and a professionalism that inspires. Tracy’s experience as owner and operator of a chain of McDonald’s franchises equipped her with fascinating and powerful truths about how to hire well and build a team of cohesive business people who demonstrate loyalty, accountability, and bring their best to work on a consistent basis.
Her conversation with Beverly is full of wisdom on how to create an organizational culture that has people lined up to become a part of it. She is able to convey her knowledge about leadership development, corporate communication, change management, and predictive analytics with clarity and ease. Purpose on the path is a big part of Tracy’s message and you will be encouraged as you listen.
Tracy can be reached on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/tracyvjohnstone/
and on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/johnstonedifference
To give feedback on this podcast, contact Beverly@BeverlySpeaks.com.

Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
Finding ”The Best” Outcomes with Sandra Nestor Love
Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
An energizing conversation with Sandra Nestor Love, an engaging communication expert who is committed to customizing integrity-driven results for teams to benefit both emotionally/professionally!
Today, we're talking about her new board game, "The BEST!" and how it can be used to create a healthy organizational culture.
Things to know about Sandra:
- Certified Public EQ Keynote Speaker & Legacy Leadership Trainer
-Over 50 perfect 5-star Google Business reviews
- Intl Missionary, Published Series Author & Consultant
-Owns Core Success Dynamics OMG (optimizing my greatness) community app
Over 20 years of experience igniting people to feel more significantly accepted, secure & mature at their own pace in their own space. Transforming their new heroic inner narrative leads to influentially impactful milestones. Connect with Sandra at https://coresuccessdynamics.com/.
Beverly and Sandra are available as a team to speak and lead in a dynamic, impactful way at your next event.
We are a walking, talking demonstration of diversity and belonging, leaving audacious joy in our wake.
Please direct questions, comments, or feedback to Beverly@Beverlyspeaks.com .
Thank you for listening. Your presence here means a lot. If you would be so kind as to follow this podcast on your favorite audio platform. Subscribing and taking the time to leave a review is an amazing gift. Thank you in advance!

Wednesday Sep 21, 2022
Season 3 Launch with Beverly Lewis
Wednesday Sep 21, 2022
Wednesday Sep 21, 2022
Welcome to Season Three of The High Road to Leadership. Your host, Beverly Lewis, will focus this season on identifying and developing the skills you need to create job satisfaction and build a healthy workplace culture. Leading yourself well is the door to leading others well, so we’ll keep it personal.
Who you are now is more important than who you were. Leadership is not so much about where you've been as where you are going. Who are you becoming? What is your vision? If clarity is your goal, you're in the right place. We’re going forward together!
What's in Your Pack?
You are encouraged to print the leadership packing list here > http://beverlyspeaks.com/packinglist/
This list is one way to assess what’s in your pack and what you can do to prepare well for the future. Consider ONE attribute you want to focus on developing or improving. Then, be accountable to do the work.
Accountability Challenge
I challenge you to put the packing list, with the starred items you are focused on, in a place on your desk where you see it every day. Each morning when you come in, look over the list and focus on what you need to do to live up to your leadership philosophy today. At the end of the day, score yourself on how well you did. If you don’t want to do this exercise daily, then at least do it weekly. If you’re really serious about growing, give your list to those on your team and ask them to hold you accountable. Ask for feedback – especially if you fall short on one of the items you are working on. On a quarterly basis, ask them to score you on a 1 to 10 scale on those skills, attitudes, or attributes.
Raise Your EQ
Emotional Intelligence or EQ, is a quality in high demand in today’s top-level leaders. It is the capacity to be aware of, control, and express one’s emotions, and to handle interpersonal relationships empathetically and wisely. You can count on hearing ways to increase your EQ through listening to The High Road to Leadership.
Free Audio Book
Beverly authored a book that is a great tool for increasing EQ As a podcast listener, you can access the exclusive audio version of Win from Within: The Heart of Success and Significance through this link. http://beverlyspeaks.com/freebook/
Please direct questions, comments, or feedback to Beverly@Beverlyspeaks.com .
Thank you for listening. Your presence here means a lot. If you would be so kind as to follow this podcast on your favorite audio platform. Subscribing and taking the time to leave a review is an amazing gift. Thank you in advance!

Wednesday Jun 22, 2022
A Purposeful Pause
Wednesday Jun 22, 2022
Wednesday Jun 22, 2022
When was the last time you strategically planned a pause that refreshes? I’m not necessarily talking about a trip or vacation. We all know we can pack every travel moment so full of activity that we return home exhausted. I’m talking about a pause that includes white space on your calendar. Time to think, dawdle, and rest.
The fact is, a strong work ethic is part of my heritage and identity. I grew up with the belief system that you need to earn your own way. Get your work done every day and don’t complain. Show up early, stay late – do whatever it takes. Working a lot, in my mind, has always carried with it a badge of honor. So was not taking any sick days. A mental health day? What’s that?
I now realize how self-destructive this attitude can be. Life is far too short to spend all of it at work, even if you love what you do. Taking time for yourself is not selfish. Being kind to yourself is not being self-centered. Creating boundaries to protect your time and energy is critical. Add to that the fact that palliative nurses report that they don’t hear death bed wishes of people saying, “If only I had worked more.”
Join me for an episode that addresses:
Do We Need More Time Off To Be On At Work?
How Vacations Benefit Productivity
Two Reasons to Stop and Celebrate
Four Ways to Strengthen Your Heart
I'm taking a purposeful pause from this podcast this summer. I will be back in August. During this time, I want to offer you an audio gift. As a podcast listener, you can access the exclusive audio version of my book, Win from Within: The Heart of Success and Significance
Simply visit http://beverlyspeaks.com/freebook/
Please direct questions, comments, or feedback to Beverly@Beverlyspeaks.com .
Thank you for listening. Your presence here means a lot to me.
Have a beautiful summer... the best is yet to come!

Wednesday Jun 01, 2022
Catriese Johnson - I am the One I’m Waiting For
Wednesday Jun 01, 2022
Wednesday Jun 01, 2022
Catriese Johnson is a speaker, author, thought leader, businesswoman, foster care advocate, and positivity powerhouse. Her book, I Am the One I’m Waiting For, tells the poignant story of her early life spent in foster care homes. It wasn’t until she was 16 years old that she realized her biological mother's promise to return for her would never come true. The waiting was over. Catriese decided she was the one she was waiting for. You would think this realization would result in the claim that she is a self-made success. Catriese declares there is no such thing as a self-made person - we all have need of others. She describes the teachers in her life as as heroes.
She had more than a few adults who helped her develop clarity and confidence in her mission and purpose. The there are always the naysayers who speak negative words into your life. It was one such broker in the real estate industry who declared she didn’t have the capability of being an excellent realtor. She used those words intended to break her for breakthrough and in 2021 was recognized as Realtor of the year in her area. She comments, "success in real estate is not about how much money you make and how many deals you close. It’s about how many lives you impact".
Catriese speaks with wisdom learned in hard places about leaning into discomfort. Uncomfortable places lead to new spaces, according to Catriese. She admonishes listeners to embrace the valley moments. All of us have to visit the valley and it’s in the valley we learn how to reign on the mountain tops. Pain is part of the process of growth and none of us can escape going through it.
Resilience is about continuing to believe for the best and press in to lay hold of the beauty of your calling. Catriese is walking it out.
You can learn more at Catrieselive.com. You can find her on Facebook at

Wednesday May 18, 2022
Jennifer Conoley - Florida’s Great Northwest
Wednesday May 18, 2022
Wednesday May 18, 2022
Jennifer Conoley is professional and polished while exuding authentic warmth and grace. As a dynamic leader and CEO by day, she commands attention. As and a wife and mother of young boys 24/7, she talks about dealing with hat hair from the many hats she wears. She is someone to listen to and learn from.
Jennifer is the President & CEO of Florida's Great Northwest, an organization created to promote economic growth and diversification, advocate for economic development issues that affect the region, and collaborate to improve regional competitiveness.
This conversation is rich in encouragement for leaders of all ages and stages. Some of her tips include:
Build relationships without being concerned if they are transactional.
Protect your time, prioritize.
Give up on perfectionism
Ask for help.
Be laser focused on your mission. Always ask the question: does this align with our mission?
Break down borders and link arms with your neighbors. United we grow.
Jennifer is a vibrant example of the power of communication skills to power your success. Warren Buffet says that honing this one skill can increase your worth by as much as 50%.
Florida's Great Northwest is well represented by this bright light.

Wednesday May 04, 2022
7 Ways to be Happier at Work
Wednesday May 04, 2022
Wednesday May 04, 2022
The average person spends 90,000 hours at work over their lifetime. Is it unreasonable to expect that the majority of those should be happy ones?
Beverly Lewis flies solo in this episode on the relationship between happiness and business success.
Despite a large body of positive psychological research into the relationship between happiness and productivity, happiness at work has traditionally been seen as a potential by-product of positive outcomes at work, rather than a pathway to business success. But things have changed. Purpose and fulfillment are the new success indicators for a new generation.
Employee happiness can be influenced by two factors: the organizational culture and employees’ mindset. These factors form an intricate link. Today's focus is on personal mindset and Beverly discusses seven strategies for improving your own outlook.
The seven strategies are:
1. Always have something to look forward to. "There are times when dreams sustain us more than facts."
2. Physical exercise boosts endorphins, oxygenates the brain, and combats depression. According to a new review of research about good moods and physical activity, people who work out even once a week or for as little as 10 minutes a day tend to be more cheerful than those who never exercise. And any type of exercise may be helpful.
3. Appreciation – everyone responds to appreciation. Give more compliments.
4. Spend at least 30 minutes a day doing something you love. A study from the Mayo Clinic found that physicians who spend about 20 percent of their time doing “work they find most meaningful are at dramatically lower risk for burnout.” But here’s what’s fascinating: Anything beyond that 20 percent has a marginal impact, as “spending 50 percent of your time in the most meaningful area is associated with similar rates of burnout as 20 percent.” In other words: You don’t need to change everything about your job to see substantial benefits. A few changes here and there can be all you need.
5. Implement the 20 second rule. In other words don’t strain your willpower. Make good choices easier to implement. James Clear’s book, Atomic Habits, goes into this at length and is a fascinating read.
6. Be grateful. Researchers describe the relationship between joy and gratitude as an intriguing upward spiral.
7. Invest in building relationships.
Beverly always appreciates feedback and can be reached at Beverly at BeverlySpeaks.com.

Wednesday Apr 20, 2022
Dr Temitope Keku: Hidden Treasures & Riches
Wednesday Apr 20, 2022
Wednesday Apr 20, 2022
Dr. Temitope (Tope) Keku has a passion to help others reach their full potential – body, soul, and spirit. She has a fulfilling career as a scientist as well as being an author, coach, and speaker.
In this episode, she talks about the powerful combination of science and faith by sharing six steps to living life in peace, strength, and joy.
Join us as we explore the hidden treasures in these steps:
- Center Yourself
- Ask for Guidance
- Anchor Your Identity
- Inclusivity - Embracing the Gifts in Those Around Us
- Gratitude
- Possibility Thinking
Tope offers much wisdom on finding hope in the midst of life’s trials. You can find her books on Amazon. Her devotional book is one of my absolute favorites.
Weathering Storms: Finding Treasures in the Ruins- 90-Day Devotional (https://amzn.to/2NHiHHH)
Tope speaks often on the effectiveness of journaling as a tool to learn, grow, and hear God and makes it easy with this companion guide: Thankful Every Day: A Gratitude Journal to Refresh Your Soul and Increase Your Joy ( https://amzn.to/2S67O8o)
She has graciously offered listeners the opportunity to schedule a free call with her to explore possibilities. To book a free 30-minute private call with her, go to https://hiddentreasuresandriches.com/call/.