
Wednesday Apr 06, 2022
Empowerment: What is it, why do leaders need it, and how do you develop it?
Wednesday Apr 06, 2022
Wednesday Apr 06, 2022
"Empowerment became a buzzword in business a while back and I have an aversion to buzzwords". This week's solo episode with Beverly Lewis addresses this issue by shedding light on why empowerment is a vital tool in a healthy culture.
Entitlement is the opposite of empowerment. Entitlement lives right next door to laziness and is toxic in any culture. An entitlement mentality can be defined as a state of mind in which an individual believes that privileges are rights. It’s a mindset that finds fault, blames others, and thinks the world revolves around one’s self. It’s quite the opposite of empowerment and will never lead to excellence.
Empowerment, on the other hand, takes personal responsibility and raises the standard through practical action. Empowerment exhibits a strong work ethic and is more likely to be found reforming than conforming. Empowerment is selfless, entitlement is selfish.
Empowerment means letting people bring their brains to work and allowing them to use their innate knowledge, experience, and motivation to contribute to the progress of the organization.
"The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don't have any." – Alice Walker
Two proven ways to empower others is through sharing information and creating autonomy with boundaries.
Healthy teams protect their sense of empowerment by avoiding the Drama Triangle. In addition, teammates learn how to disarm the advice monster and stay curious a little longer, to cite the work of Michael Stanier in The Advice Trap. 90% of leaders identify with The Rescuer, and find themselves trying to fix situations.
An effective strategy that empowers others is to ask questions. Six key questions you can use to stay curious a little longer are:
1) What’s on your mind?
2) And what else?
3) What’s the real challenge here for you?
4) What do you want? (What’s the best case outcome?)
5) And if you are saying yes to this outcome, what are you saying no to?
6) How can I help? (What does support look like?)
Beverly has a gift for her you - the special folks who listen to The High Road to Leadership. Her book, Win from Within: The Heart of Success and Significance is available as an audio book exclusively for listeners to this podcast. Go to http://beverlyspeaks.com/freebook/.
Signing off for this week. We love your feedback, comments, and suggestions. Email Beverly@Beverlyspeaks.com. Thank you for being part of this community of listeners.

Wednesday Mar 23, 2022
Trust: The Key to Successful Leadership with Dr. Toby Travis
Wednesday Mar 23, 2022
Wednesday Mar 23, 2022
Research reveals that the #1 indicator of successful schools, organizations, and businesses is trusted leadership.
Dr. Toby Travis is building bridges to mission fulfillment and well-being. His work on the fundamental value of trust is influencing schools, businesses, and organizations of all types.
In a recent Forbes magazine article, Travis comments, "When leaders, in an effort to build and expand the business, place the needs and wants of new clients over the wellbeing, success and support of their employees, it breeds distrust of company leadership,” says Dr. Travis. “A lack of trust in corporate leadership reduces employee engagement and higher turnover rates and negatively impacts corporate objectives.”
Dr. Travis is a fascinating speaker, teacher, and trainer. A few of his accomplishments are:
- Author of the award-winning book “TrustED: The Bridge to School Improvement”available on Amazon.
- Creator and developer of the “TrustED Leader 360” assessment – available to you at no charge.
- Executive Consultant with the Global School Consulting Group.
- Certified Trainer with Willpower Consultation.
- Adjunct Professor and Graduate Faculty, International Graduate Program for Educators, the State University of New York at Buffalo State.
- Writer and columnist with articles and work featured in Forbes, CEOWorld Magazine, eSchool News, Authority Magazine, Businessing Magazine, The Knowledge Source, Medium, numerous podcasts, NPR, and more.
He also serves Ripe For Harvest World Outreach (RFH), a global non-profit missions organization. He dedicates time as a trainer/consultant for school leaders worldwide (especially in developing and distressed communities).
Dr. Travis is committed to helping leaders assess, develop, (repair if necessary) and increase high levels of TRUST!
Remember to access the free self-assessment (or team assessment) at https://www.schoolright.net/te_assessments.html
To learn more or contact Dr. Travis directly, visit TrustedConsulting.org
Contact your podcast host, Beverly@BeverlySpeaks.com for more information.

Wednesday Mar 09, 2022
Relationships are at the Heart of all Success with Dr. Carol Scott
Wednesday Mar 09, 2022
Wednesday Mar 09, 2022
The adventure on the high road to leadership continues with a conversation with Dr. L. Carol Scott. Dr. Scott is a coach, trainer, and keynoter who teaches this truth: relationships are at the heart of all success.
Dr. Scott’s first career was as a nationally respected thought leader in the U.S. systems for early care and education. She began with a BA in child development and a BA in anthropology. She earned an MA in early childhood education, and a PhD in developmental psychology.
This formed the foundation for an astonishing second act. Carol is a TEDx speaker and author of two books, including Just Be Your S.E.L.F. -- Your Guide to Improving any Relationship.
Carol's career knowledge and experience point us to how we first develop our social and emotional core for successful relationships. From the surprising foundation of how your earliest experiences created the brain you use today, you can rise on the power of “REAL” success, measured by your productivity and achievements.
This fascinating conversation with Beverly will provoke you to think in new ways about how you arrived where you are and how to go forward with increased self-awareness and bold new strategies for success.
To receive a free copy of Carol's Become Your Sassy S.E.L.F book-ette, email her at carol@lcarolscott.com
You are also invited to download Dr. Scott's SASS Manifesto on the bottom right side of the webpage at https://lcarolscott.com/a-sip-of-sass/
To continue the conversation, connect with Dr. Scott on the following social platforms:
For comments on this podcast, please contact Beverly Lewis at Beverly@Beverlyspeaks.com
Thanks for listening - we would love to hear from you.

Wednesday Feb 23, 2022
A New Brand of Leadership: Leading Well in 2022
Wednesday Feb 23, 2022
Wednesday Feb 23, 2022
Our world has fundamentally changed and this troubled world is demanding a better brand of leadership.
The changes we're facing require a fundamentally different response. There’s a whole new way of living, working and winning. And there’s a whole new way of leading.
Dr. Nadya Zhexembayeva of the Reinvention Academy states, " Our challenge is not to survive until things stabilize. Our challenge is learning how thrive in constant uncertainty."
It's imperative that we power into change rather than being tossed on the waves of change. This requires an attitude shift. We must see constant change as a feature - an opportunity to upgrade - rather than as a bug in the system.
The words of General Douglas McArthur describe the intentionality needed in our world today. "A true leader has the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions, and the compassion to listen to the needs of others. He does not set out to be a leader, but becomes one by the equality of his actions and the integrity of his intent".
How can you lead well if you're job description isn't one of leadership? Learn how to leverage the opportunity for horizontal leadership.
Discover the five words that open the door to meaningful communication.
Resources to help you as you travel the high road include a free audio version of Beverly's book, Win from Within: The Heart of Success and Significance.
To access this special gift created for her podcast audience, go to http://beverlyspeaks.com/freebook

Wednesday Feb 09, 2022
Diane Diresta: Clarity, Confidence, and Charisma
Wednesday Feb 09, 2022
Wednesday Feb 09, 2022
Diane DiResta, CSP, is founder and CEO of Diresta Communications, a New York City constultancy that serves business leaders who deliver high-stakes presentations – whether one-to one, in front of a crowd, or on an electronic platform.
Speaking is the new competitive advantage. Your success today depends on how well you present. And the delivery of that presentation determines your success trajectory.
Gifted speakers might be born, but effective speakers are made. Regardless of your personality, pay grade or position, you can learn the skill of communicating with clarity, confidence, and charisma.
Diane delivers rapid-fire practical tips in this episode that will help you develop visual, vocal, and verbal congruency. She gives clear advice on how you can blend the right mindset with the right skillset.
Her LinkedIn Learning Module on Speaking Confidently and Effectively was rated one of the top courses in 2021.
Learn more about Diane at https://www.diresta.com/ and access her book, Knockout Presentations on Amazon.
You can Diane on Linkedin and on Twitter she is known as @speakingpro.
This episode will take you to a new level of confidence in your communications. Enjoy!
Your feedback is always welcome. Email Beverly@BeverlySpeaks.com. She loves hearing from you.

Wednesday Jan 26, 2022
DiAnna Wallace: Principles for Peace, Health and Crazy Joy
Wednesday Jan 26, 2022
Wednesday Jan 26, 2022
Meet DiAnna Wallace, ND. Her passion for helping others shines through her calling as a naturopathic doctor. In this episode, she shares the surprising story of how she found her way to this profession. The timing of her message is perfect as we set out to accomplish new things and build new dreams in 2022. DiAnna shares practical and simple tips to energize your body and your life.
Did you know 80% of medical visits are related to stress? Her take on wholistic health will encourage you and direct you down a path to peace, health, and crazy joy. In fact. That’s the subtitle of her book.
You can find Healthy Body: 12 Principles for Peace, Health and Crazy Joy on Amazon.
You’ll be fascinated to hear the health habit that three strategic leaders shared. What could Douglas MacArthur, Dwight Eisenhower, and Winston Churchill all have in common?
You can find DiAnna on Facebook and she would like to extend a warm invitation to women who want to learn more to join the free Healthy Body Book Club
You are also welcome to schedule a complimentary 30 minute consultation with DiAnna.
And P.S. Rest before you’re tired.
Beverly Lewis is honored to host fascinating guests and always appreciates hearing from you. Follow The High Road to Leadership and visit Beverly at BeverlySpeaks.com.

Wednesday Jan 12, 2022
Season 2: Defining the High Road & Why is Leadership in Crisis?
Wednesday Jan 12, 2022
Wednesday Jan 12, 2022
What does it mean to take the high road?
To choose to do the right thing -regardless of whatever people think or do.
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, and I I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference. - Robert Frost
There is a crisis in leadership in America and globally.
When we reach a peak of excellence or achievement, we can see new vistas and are challenged to set the next goal.
So here we are at the beginning of a new year. Circumstantial uncertainty can be translated to describe a new adventure.
In this episode, Beverly highlights five reasons leadership is in crisis and challenges you to step into being part of the solution.
Contact Beverly Lewis by email at Beverly@BeverlySpeaks.com
You can also connect via your favorite platform:

Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
Celebrating Wins - Season Finale
Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
Are you measuring your success in a way that celebrates progress? Or do you constantly find yourself frustrated at the gap between your expectations and your reality? The traditional way of setting goals needs adjustment in the face of the cataclysmic change we’ve all experienced.
In this episode – the wrap for season one of The High Road to Leadership – Beverly reviews the highlights of what she has learned thus far in her podcasting journey. There are always challenges that go with a new creative endeavor and embracing the process and celebrating the wins along the way is key.
A discussion follows on the difference between the gap and the gain – two different ways of measuring progress. The traditional strategy involves passing tests and comparing ourselves with others. It can easily cause us to focus on shortcomings. The Gain Method focuses on celebrating wins and building positive expectancy on a daily and weekly basis. Beverly is happy to offer you a worksheet for implementing the Gain Method if you email your request to Beverly@Beverlyspeaks.com.
Beverly will take a short break between season one and season two and returns with fresh wind on January 5, 2022. Expect a gift when you return for Season Two.
Thank you for an incredible launch to the journey on the High Road to Leadership. See you in January.

Wednesday Nov 17, 2021
How to Carry On When Change Smacks You in the Face
Wednesday Nov 17, 2021
Wednesday Nov 17, 2021
At times, we all face the kind of disruptions in our life that knock us down. Sure, the leadership books all say that's how we develop resilience. But what do you do when you get lost on the very road you thought for certain was the right one?
You keep going. The best way out is through.
In this episode, Beverly describes the personal challenge she has been walking through for the last several months. She hasn't previously posted about the flooding issues that have resulted in the loss of her home but is doing so now for several reasons:
1) Everyone is going through hard things. Social media often doesn't reflect that. But Beverly hasn't wanted to contribute to the bad news everyone is bombarded with.
2) Authenticity is a valuable leadership attribute. Keeping it real is not as easy as it seems.
3) We all learn together when challenges are shared.
We can be hard pressed to find the good in bad situations. That's when we need to hang around people who pour water on the fires of our fears and pour gasoline on our passions and our dreams. Beverly wants to be that kind of leader.
Dr. Nadya Zhexembayeva, an expert in reinvention states, "Change is not the enemy. It's a beautiful freedom to make any choice you want".

Wednesday Nov 03, 2021
Letitia Bates: Keys to Achieve Personal Success in the Smartest Way
Wednesday Nov 03, 2021
Wednesday Nov 03, 2021
Beverly Lewis' conversation with Letitia Bates, owner of At the Wheel Coaching, is a fascinating one. Letitia is a Mindset & Empowerment coach specialized in helping coaches & consultants get unstuck & stop procrastinating so they can create the impact & income they desire.
Keys unlock doors. You must open them. In this episode, Letitia and Beverly discuss insights on how to open the doors before you to become your best self. Letitia uses the acronym I CAN to represent her system for helping others build a healthy mindset. The acronym represents the following:
Identity - How are you identifying yourself? This is the lens from which you see yourself and the world.
Care - The emotional part of us is often stuffed down with brave talk like “fight the fear and do it anyway”. Emotions are where much of our power is – they shouldn’t be ignored. We need to CARE about our own emotional signals.
Attending - If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude. This is the basis of “attending“.
Notice - Pay attention to what you are doing well and celebrate your progress.
Letitia talks about SMART goals in a memorable way.
Letitia authored I Can: 12 keys to Achieve Personal Success in the Smartest Way, available on Amazon. Open this door of opportunity by scheduling a free clarity session with Letitia. Visit chatwithletitia.com
Connect with Letitia on your favorite platform by visiting letitia10k.com.
To reach host Beverly Lewis, email Beverly@Beverlyspeaks.com.